Extra Stuff! Pure Red Sand Returns

Hey folks, welcome to October. I hope everyone is looking forward to a great fall or spring. Just a couple of notes before I drop in the fun extras. I’ll be making my last planned in-person appearance this year at the Can-Con book room in Ottawa from the 13-15 this month. I hope you’re able to drop in and say hello. I’ll also be releasing my latest book, Terran B and the Asteroid Belt, on Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 1pm in Salon D at the Sheraton. Join me with my lastest adventure! If you want an online release for the book as well, please let me know!

Here’s the first of the promised extras. Big spoilers so go no further if you dislike spoilers and haven’t read the trilogy. Got questions, send me a message here or via email at m.negrijn (at) gmail dot com

In Uncomfortable Truths, Nadine comes to Earth to investigate who was responsible for the hospital deaths. This is a conversation between Rory Hershell (one of the masterminds behind the abandonment of Mars) and Lorne Michaels (Sven’s father) after Nadine and Sven reunite. With Nadine’s arrival, their solid plans are starting to crumble.

Lorne Michaels took a deep breath and followed his wife into the entrance of the club. They both spotted the figure at the same them and her could feel Edith tense through the hand on her lower back. “Go on in to the dining room. We’ll join you shortly.”

“It’s our anniversary, darling. Surely we can eat alone.”

“Go inside, I said. We’ll never ignore good friends, no matter what the event.” She sighed and did what she was told. Despite her recent concerns, she was coming back into line nicely. Lorne stepped to his friend’s side. “Rory, it’s good to see you, man. It’s been too long. What brings you to the club?”

The red haired man seemed unusually concerned. “Ah Lorne, it’s good to see you too.” They were joined by a younger woman from the washrooms. “You remember my wife, Patricia?”

“Of course.” He kissed the woman’s hand. “How are you, my dear? Rory, will you join myself and Edith for dinner?”

“It would be a pleasure. Why don’t you go ahead and join Edith, Patricia I just need to talk business for a moment…” She nodded and left them alone in the hallway.

“What’s going on, Rory? I thought things were all settled? Howard’s not a problem again is he?” Venshultz always seemed to need something else these days.

“No, no. He’s been taken care of. No, I’m having some issues with closing the Mars portfolio.”

“I’m not surprised. If the damned profits weren’t so good, I’d have been out of there long ago. What’s the trouble now?”

“It’s that stupid excuse for self-government.”

“I thought we had someone in there?”

“It fell through. The man couldn’t see the larger picture. Now that girl is making trouble. She’s here asking questions about the hospital.”

“On Earth? I thought that was all taken care of.”

“Yes, I know but there’s too many people involved now. It’s out of my hands and they’ve had two years to enjoy their silence.”

“So? Send your boys to deal with it.”

“I did. She’s keeping quiet but they tell me some big blonde guy was seen with her. They brought me a picture.”

“Sven.” Lorne gritted his teeth. His eldest son was the largest problem in his life.

“You can’t be linked to this, Lorne. We both know that. You need to get control of your son before he gets too close. I can take care of the girl but you know I won’t do anything with him around.”

“Appreciated. Things were easier before.” He heaved a deep sigh. “It’s going to be tricky. She’s still damned important with all that public opinion in her favour right now. It’s taking forever to die down. There aren’t even scandals around about her. There’s no fucking leverage. I can’t even get the police to watch her.”

“Don’t be getting the police involved, Lorne. Too much risk.” Rory looked around. “Just get him out quick before he leads people back to you.”

“I’ll take care of it but careful with the girl. Nothing can happen here in the city. It’s too dangerous.”

“Don’t worry. I know how to take care of her. Just be patient and get Sven out.”

“It would be good to have her out of the way. She’s the backbone of the council and there’s projects I’d like to move on that they’re holding back.”

“Exactly. Focus on the future and stop worrying over this. Once Sven is gone, I’ll take care of the rest. But in the meantime, we’d better join our wives.” He led them into the dining room and Lorne was reassured that he’d soon have Sven back home and Nadine would just be an unpleasant memory for everyone.

Let’s go skimming! This was an early plan for how they were making money off the colony on Mars before the abandonment.

Bye for now, folks! ~M